Fully Funded Spain Government Scholarship 2023/2024 For Foreign Students – Apply Now


The Spain Government Scholarship program for the 2023/2024 academic year is open to applicants with any citizenship. Spain Government Scholarship is offered through the Ministry of Education, Spain, the program is for Bachelor, Master & Ph.D. Degree Programs.

Most Spanish universities are considered the best universities in the world. Therefore, studying in Spain is an opportunity for anyone seeking to further their education in Europe. Additionally, studying in Spain also gives you the opportunity to explore many other options as well. As of 2021, Spain Government announced about 850,000 Scholarships provided for International students.

Fully Funded Spain Government Scholarship 2024

Research shows that Spain is a popular choice for foreign students seeking high-quality higher education at an affordable price. Spain is endowed with lots of prestigious universities with a great reputation internationally. Also, Spanish Universities are ranked high in international rankings. In fact, Europe’s Top 10 Business schools are located right there in Spain.

It will interest you to know that tuition fees in Spain are among the lowest in Europe, no wonder the nation usually has a large influx of students every year from nations around the World. These students would usually attend one of Spain’s 76 Universities.

Amazingly, the educational system in Spain is in English, and many well reputable universities taught in English to Foreign Students. Hence, there is no language barrier for non-Spanish students. Below is a list of the top Spain Government Scholarships (fully funded) that you can apply for.

Spain Government Scholarship

The Spain Government Scholarship is a variety of educational programs that is open to international students around the globe. Eligible for this Scholarship at nationality holders. The scholarship covers programs such as Master’s, Ph.D. thus Students seeking to further their post-graduate degree are eligible for the Spain Government Scholarship.

Visit the official webpage for more details: https://www.educacionyfp.gob.es/servicios-al-ciudadano/catalogo/estudiantes/becas-ayudas/para-estudiar.html

UIC Barcelona Scholarship

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), is offering Excellence Scholarship for international students. UIC Barcelona Scholarship is open to participants having Any Academic Degree.

The UIC scholarship Programs Include the Following Study Areas: Biomedicine, Bioengineering, Law, Business, Communication, Psychology, Nursing Physiotherapy, Psychology, etc.

Visit the official webpage below for more information: https://www.uic.es/en/studies/grants-financial-aid-and-funding/grants/international-excellence-scholarships-international

European University of Atlantic

The European University Atlantic Scholarship is restricted to just undergraduate degree applicants. It is an undergraduate program that covers the student’s Tuition Fee to study in Spain.

Visit the official webpage below for more information: https://www.uneatlantico.es/en/students/scholarships-and-grants/collaboration-scholarships

University of Granada

The University of Granada Scholarship is offered through the International School for Postgraduate Studies of the University. The scholarship program is usually offered to University of Granada students.

The scholarship program is a waiver for the tuition fees. The Erasmus Scholarship can be gotten through Granada University.

Best of luck!